Manufax - 建筑多用途创意 WordPress Elementor 主题

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Created: 2018年12月19日

Updated: 2024年3月28日

ID: 76018

og体育首页ONE - 无限制下载 $13.25/月

350k 项目 | 商业用途 License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Support 加入后可下载此产品  免费
Manufax - 建筑多用途创意 WordPress Elementor 主题 - Features Image 1Manufax - 建筑多用途创意 WordPress Elementor 主题 - Features Image 2Manufax - 建筑多用途创意 WordPress Elementor 主题 - Features Image 3Manufax - 建筑多用途创意 WordPress Elementor 主题 - Features Image 4Manufax - 建筑多用途创意 WordPress Elementor 主题 - Features Image 5Manufax - 建筑多用途创意 WordPress Elementor 主题 - Features Image 6Manufax - 建筑多用途创意 WordPress Elementor 主题 - Features Image 7Manufax - 建筑多用途创意 WordPress Elementor 主题 - Features Image 8


检查由 WordPress 提供支持并在 Elementor 和 Jet 插件的帮助下创建的最具创新性和吸引力的建筑公司主题。当您对人们的健康,尤其是他们的家园负责时,就必须被认为是可靠和值得信赖的。给人留下好印象的最有效方法之一就是拥有一个网站。对于建筑、建筑或房地产公司来说,这个主题将是一个伟大的决定。



  • 首页,集中了您公司的介绍信息;
  • 关于页面 - 在这里您可以放置有关您的业务和团队成员的更多信息;
  • 服务页面,查看者可以在其中看到您公司的历史、一些奖项和感言;
  • 项目页面,您可以在其中向潜在客户详细介绍您的各个项目;
  • 博客页面 - 供人们查看您的帖子;
  • 联系人页面,您可以在其中告诉人们如何以及在哪里可以找到您。




博客页面也可以立即使用,您所需要做的就是用您的内容填充它。之后,该网站的浏览者将能够发表评论。此外,Google 地图位于建筑公司主题的联系人页面上,以便您的客户可以找到您的办公室所在位置。


Manufax (March 28, 2024):

  • WordPress 6.4 compatible;
  • Elementor Page Builder 3.20 compatible;
  • Minor bugs fixed.

Manufax (September 22, 2023):

  • WordPress 6.3 compatible;
  • Elementor Page Builder 3.16 compatible;
  • Minor bugs fixed.

28 Reviews for this product

Tema elegante e de fácil customização, suporte rápido e eficiente, recomendo.
Great template, support helps me out with what is needed. The demo was working fine, but the video was not incluced in the gallery, thats why I take my 1 star. Anyways the support managed to help me out and added the needed video in the gallery. Also there was in need of a update of the Power plugin soo I could add the google analytics code. Anyways my final rate is that even though there were few things that had to be added, the support helped out and added them. :)
Anche io ho avuto problemi con i Jet Plugins ma dopo aver contattato gli sviluppatori del template ho risolto aggiornando alle ultime versioni (grazie alla chiave di licenza fornita) e ora tutto funziona correttamente. Tema molto elegante e ben fatto.
С дизайном всё хорошо. Претензии только ко внутренней реализации. Это был мой первый опыт работы с Elementor и мне очень не понравилась тяжеловесность этого продукта. Всё работает очень медленно в угоду наглядности. При этом часто приходится решать глюки при попытке изменения компоновки элементов. Никогда больше - сказал я себе после этого опыта. Но и в этом тоже есть польза - нужно было это узнать :-).
Ho installato il template e all'inizio mi sembrava che ci fossero dei problemi con i plugin legati a JetElements, poi grazie all'assistenza clienti ho risolto e configurato il template in modo perfetto. Ho trovato molto semplice inserire le modifiche che mi ha chiesto il cliente ed in breve tempo sono riuscito a finire il lavoro. Ho trovato questo template molto versatile e credo che lo proporrò in futuro ad altri clienti.

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Guru Author

Customer Support

4.4 /5
Support rating (519 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 405 4 32 3 13 2 6 1 63
Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.


WordPress Builder:

WordPress Compatibility:

WooCommerce Compatibility:

Compatible with: Compatibility:

Images included:


General software requirements:

Code editing tool ZIP unarchiver

Hosting Requirements:

PHP Version Compatibility:

Web Server Compatibility:

Database Server Compatibility: